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Cloud Spotlight by Cloudsoft

Get AWS cost and risk insights simply by uploading your AWS PDF bill.

Instant AWS Insights

Cloudsoft’s Cloud Spotlight can help any business, quickly and unobtrusively identify cost reductions and risks across their cloud environment by simply uploading your AWS bill. No AWS account access required for this initial analysis.

Cloudsoft will read and analyse your PDF bill for free - it's quick and easy to do. Get Cloudsoft expert advice on improvements to cut costs and reduce risk.

Get in touch to try this out, either by filling in the form on the right, or via the email

How Spotlight Works

Share your AWS bill; Cloudsoft will analyse it with Spotlight, and share the findings.

Receive a technical overview of the top cost reductions, risks, challenges and opportunities across your cloud estate; and guidance from an expert technical team in how to address them.

Step 1 - Sign Up to Spotlight

Contact Cloudsoft either via the web form or by email on Someone from Cloudsoft will be in touch soon with further details.

The PDF bill is simple to download and share - it contains only metadata about the AWS services used.

Step 2 - Bill analysis

Cloudsoft will read the bill into our systems, then run our tooling to extract and analyse the data. This looks for opportunities to save money, and to improve the AWS usage.

Step 3 - Get Your Report

The report provides insights and recommendations. It is descriptive and aimed at a non-technical audience, though a familiarity with AWS terminology is required.


Analysing the AWS bill is just the first step. With read-only AWS account access, Cloudsoft can do a much deeper analysis to recommend many more cost savings and improvements.

Book a follow-up session with a Cloudsoft expert for further advice on cost optimisation, security and maximising business value through using AWS. There really is nothing quite like talking to an expert!

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