5 Benefits of Responsible Automation
Tough economic times, pressure to be sustainable and a looming global recession are top of mind for business and are creating big challenges for infrastructure and operations teams; how do you stay on track to deliver customer value and desired business outcomes, all whilst being sustainable and keeping a closer eye than ever on costs?
Automation involves the orchestrated use of multiple technologies, tools or platforms and is well known as a lever to help reduce costs - in a 2021 Gartner I&O Leaders Survey, 80% named automation as their number one choice as a technology cost optimisation approach.
But automation is now being recognised as a way to not only achieve financial benefits, but also wider sustainability benefits. This is being called ‘responsible automation’
Responsible automation is a vision, concept and framework. Gartner suggests that responsible automation can be used as a positive sustainability tool and that it “not only delivers economic benefits but goes beyond this to also improve environmental, social and governance outcomes”.
These automation outcomes can include:
1. Reducing energy usage and consumption
Automation can co-ordinate and orchestrate technologies, managing critical workloads end-to-end and optimising runtime and energy footprints.
2. Optimising the lifetime value of tech assets
Great tools can automate and orchestrate across existing tech stacks and tools - meaning that businesses get efficiency benefits whilst getting as much value as possible from existing assets, without having to prematurely replace or upgrade them.
3. Driving innovation, revenue and skills creation
Automation will enable digital transformation, allowing organisations to differentiate, innovate and grow. It can support workers to upskill, as well as create new jobs through growth.
4. Mitigating inflation
Automation, done well, will lead to higher productivity and better bandwidth for businesses and employees - ultimately improve operating margins and productivity as a course of doing business.
5. Reducing risk and creating stability
Automation can deliver levels of resilience across complex tech estates that are almost impossible to achieve without it. This provides reassurance that customer critical applications will never go down and lead to brand damage, customer churn, regulatory fines and more.
Want to learn more about the benefits of automation?
Read the blog on 7 Ways Automation Cuts Costs and Drives Value.