Cloudsoft Spotlight - AWS CloudFront discount pricing

CloudFront, if you use it enough, like most services within AWS, can offer a service specific discount. As the CloudFront pricing pages indicate “Customers willing to make minimum traffic commits of typically 10 TB/month or higher are eligible for discounted pricing.”
How can I get CloudFront discount?
This means you can get significant discounts if you commit to AWS that you will transfer upward of 10 terabytes per month out to the internet. This commitment is similar to other commitments such as reservations or savings plans. If you didn’t meet your commitment in a given month, you’d still pay for what you’d agreed. However if you are consistently over at least 10TB per month then it is worth contacting AWS.
Also be aware that you can contribute to this amount going through CloudFront by putting CloudFront in front of other services sending data out (for example application load balancers or S3). See this AWS blog post for more details.
Note that AWS terminology around these commitments and discounts can get confusing where historically AWS offered an Enterprise Discount Program (EDP) which was across services for the organization and then would add Private Pricing Addendums (PPA) to the EDP for specific services to offer a greater discount. The Duckbill Group has a good blog post outlining the history of EDP and PPAs.
Cloudsoft Spotlight for AWS
If you have reached here as part of Cloudsoft Spotlight, it indicates that we found that you have transferred out over 10TB to the internet through CloudFront and you do not have a service specific discount in place and so it could be an opportunity to discuss this with AWS. Cloudsoft can assist you in assessing your CloudFront usage and how to approach AWS to determine what commitment you should make. Please contact Cloudsoft if you need support for this.
This post is part of our Spotlight series where Cloudsoft experts use advanced tooling to look across your AWS estate for opportunities to optimize cost, increase security and take advantage of the latest innovations in AWS. We let you focus on your business objectives by ensuring you use AWS effectively.