2022 in Review: Our Top Press Cuttings
It's been a busy year for us at Cloudsoft, with lots of press cuttings and media coverage. We wanted to take a moment to look back at some of our favourites on the topics of resilience, sustainability and our company culture.
Want to look back at some of our other 2022 highlights? Check out the 12 Days of Cloudsoft advent video!
Energy costs, sustainability and data centre meltdowns
Skyrocketing energy costs and soaring summer temperatures brought two issues to the fore: the resilience and sustainability of our technology systems.
Our March article in Data Centre Review looked at how IT leaders could mitigate the impact of rising energy costs whilst protecting their budgets by eliminating toxic cloud consumption, accelerating cloud migration plans and demonstrating the value of IT spend to protect it. Read more in Data Centre Review.
One of the upshots of increased efficiency in the cloud is that this also has sustainability benefits; and with Google predicting that 3 in 4 developers will lead with sustainability as their primary development principle in 2023 sustainability is likely to overtake efficiency as a core technology goal. Read VP Engineering Aled Sage’s take on sustainability in the cloud in Business Info magazine.
The urgency of addressing tech’s climate impact was highlighted in the summer, when major IT providers Google and Oracle essentially passed out from the heat, leading to outages for thousands of everyday customers. CEO Ross Gray wrote for eWeekUK: “we have experienced wide-scale IT failures exposing just how ill-equipped our critical digital infrastructure is for a future when 40-degree summers are ever more frequent…Resilience is now a business prerequisite for survival in the digital age. Every organisation should be using [these] headline outages as a stark wakeup call to ensure their IT is robust and prepared to maintain operations should a major incident occur.”
The impact of our changing climate also has relevance to the other key theme of 2022: Resilience.
Read: The role of ESG in your resilience strategy
Resilience crept up regulatory agendas
Another headline-making outage was the one suffered by major UK airline EasyJet in May causing it to cancel hundreds of flights, and throwing into sharp relief how embedded IT is into our everyday lives.
In recognition of the increasing complexity, fragility and criticality of digital systems to our everyday lives, resilience crept up regulatory agendas with the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and EU both finalising new Digital Operational Resilience regulations for Financial Service organisations.
With resilience becoming such a strategic and regulatory imperative, CEO Ross Gray wrote about The Essential Chief Resilience Officer for eWeek: “As organisations seek new opportunities to grow, they will be exposed to new external and often uncontrollable forces, increasing their risk surface and opening up new and unknown vulnerabilities…continuous resilience helmed by a Chief Resilience Officer is what will help you thrive.”
Celebrating our culture
We were delighted to make it into Great Place To Work’s Best Workplaces once again this year, and even more delighted to discover we were the top ranked company in Scotland in the small business category!
In June, CEO Ross Gray spoke to employeebenefits.co.uk about why it’s important for us to gain these independent accreditations:
We know from our impressive staff retention rate that the team is engaged and happy, and ultimately we wanted to find a way to shout about our fantastic culture and team ethos to help us attract the best talent.
“This led us to investigate independent accreditations. We discovered that Great Place to Work is one of the leading and respected accreditations in the UK, so we decided to go for it. We felt it would be beneficial to see how we perform as a business and, in a wider context, would provide feedback from an independent body so we could see what’s working, and where there is room for improvement or review.”
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